(632) 8812-0919      fulbright@fulbright.org.ph

Andrea Faye Mendoza

Ezekiel Recto, LPTI am Andrea Faye S. Mendoza from Samar and I am an BSED English Major from Samar State University. Other than being a student I am a volunteer teacher for less fortunate kids and Sunday school. a writer, singer, actress, and a youth leader. I always believe that communication is a context where peace and harmony can revolve, it is much more stronger and effective than bombs and guns.

I use my writings and singing to make a voice and to use these as my platform in addressing my advocacy for education, women and children, environment and gender equality. I always believe that everyone has a voice and when we all work together we can create a perfect harmony that will change the world.

My achievements are:

President of Society of English Majors 2018
Vice President of Society of English Majors 2019-2021
Champion of PASUC Regional (Short and Sweet Play Musical) 2018
4th runner up of PASUC National (Short and Sweet Play Musical 2018

High School:
Finalist of Outstanding Youth Awards of Catbalogan City 2017
Secretary of Supreme Student Council 2016
Vice President of Supreme Student Council

Awards for 2017-2018
Academic Awardee
Best in Attendance
Conduct Awardee
Leadership Awardee