(632) 8812-0919      fulbright@fulbright.org.ph

Carla Bautista

Carla BautistaCarla Bautista

HOME INSTITUTION University of the Philippines Diliman 

HOST INSTITUTION: State University of New York at Albany 

AWARD NAME: Fulbright Foreign Student Program

Discipline: Public Administration 


For more than two decades now, Carla has been working in the House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress on a permanent appointment. 

Her passions lie in improving the quality of the Filipino voting experience by way of meaningful suffrage and electoral reform legislation. She intends to focus her Master in Public Administration program in the State University of New York at Albany on learning how strong and fascist proof institutions are created and sustained. 

Carla finished her BA Communication Research degree from the University of the Philippines College of Mass Communication. She loves the beach.