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Hannah Nario-Lopez

Hannah Lopez Hannah Glimpse Nario-Lopez is a CHED-Fulbright PhD scholar, studying (insert program/degree) in (insert university). She aims to draw public concern toward the improvement of the Philippine criminal justice system by foregrounding mass incarceration among marginalized Filipinos. With her experience as a former juvenile detention worker and with sociology as a tool to ground understanding, she aims to emphasize the persistence of social inequalities in norms, moralities, and formal justice processes.

In her teaching, research, public service, and media engagements, she focuses on jail conditions, bureaucratic work relations, and the outright dangers and consequences of operational inadequacies and slow dispensation of justice to persons deprived of liberty (PDL), jail and prison officers, prison culture, and public welfare.

She obtained her Bachelor of Arts (cum laude) and Master of Arts in Sociology from the University of the Philippines Diliman where she is also now teaching Sociology of Crime and Deviance and Philippine Contemporary Social Issues as an assistant professor. In 2019, she was invited as an International Visiting Research Fellow by the Home Team Behavioural Sciences Centre, Ministry of Home Affairs, Singapore. She has been a consultant for Quezon City, Manila City, and Marikina City jails. She provides interview skills training and gender sensitivity workshops to Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) officers. She is in collaboration with academics, NGO practitioners, officers, and the bureau in refining an inmate needs and risk assessment questionnaire to standardize PDL housing and rehabilitation programming.