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Jon Benedik Bunquin

JB Bunquin Jon Benedik A. Bunquin

Jon Benedik A. Bunquin is a full-time faculty member at the Department of Communication Research, University of the Philippines College of Mass Communication. He will be entering the University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication for his doctoral studies under the Fulbright-CHED scholarship program, specializing in communication and media studies.

He uses digital research methods to study how networked environments shape the communication of political and scientific information. He has presented and published work on the political communication networks of the Filipino youth, networks of online social movements, political participation, and science communication in various local and international conferences and journals. He is co-convenor of the Philippine Media Monitoring Laboratory of the Department of Communication Research, and co-head of the Digital Public Pulse project, a pioneering interdisciplinary research project that studies the networks and discourses in the Philippine digital public sphere. He earned his MA Communication and BA Journalism (cum laude) degrees from the University of the Philippines. He aims to contribute to addressing the epistemic crisis faced by science in democratic societies by examining the role of social media networks. Through the Fulbright program, he hopes to foster collaborations with other media scholars engaged in the science of science communication. 

Outside of his engagements in digital media, he enjoys the grit of analogue media by taking film photographs and listening to vinyl records.