(632) 8812-0919      fulbright@fulbright.org.ph

Kathleen Punzalan

Kathleen Punzalan Jan Kathleen Punzalan

Home Institution: Department of Agriculture

Host Institution: Iowa State University

Award Name: Fulbright Philippine Agriculture Scholarship Program

Discipline: Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

Award Year: 2023

Kathleen is a licensed Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer, currently working as a Development Management Officer in the Department of Agriculture. She is largely involved in the formulation and evaluation of various foreign-assisted and locally-funded projects of the Department. She graduated Cum Laude from the University of the Philippines Los Baños in 2019, majoring in agricultural and bio-process engineering.

As a Fulbright scholar, Kathleen will be pursuing her Master’s degree in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, with specialization in biological and process engineering and technology at Iowa State University. She will be focusing her graduate studies on feed process engineering, particularly on the nutrient characterization of alternative feed ingredients to further improve its nutritive and feeding value. Upon return, she aims to utilize the results of her research to support the advancement of the local feed industry of her home country.

In her spare time, Kath loves to try out new hobbies and focus on her wellness and health. She enjoys nature and traveling, but she also finds happiness in staying in while binge-watching movies and tv series.