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Ma. Mikaella Q. Punongbayan

Ezekiel Recto, LPTMa. Mikaella Q. Punongbayan
I’m Ma. Mikaella Q. Punongbayan, you can just call me Mika, a third year Psychology student from Bulacan State University.
A consistent dean’s lister from 2018-up to this semester, a class president from my first year until now. I plan to go to a Medical School, and I am taking Psychology as my pre-med course. However, I do not just focus solely on my studies. I am proud to say that I am also actively involved in various extra-curricular activities, and I love doing volunteer works in my community, in my former and current school. I am the Vice Chairperson and Founder of Project Sandigan, it is a student-led initiative in Bulacan, we started a donation drive last 2020 to aid the impoverished communities, small-scale vendors, drivers, and senior citizens in our province, it is now a part of the Local Youth Development Council. I am also a proud member of YEABulacan, where we often organize outreach programs for children. I am one of the core heads of Pinas Forward PH, it is a movement to uplift the nationalism among today’s generation. I am the team leader of Gabriela Youth BULSU Chapter, we stand up not only for women and children but for everyone who is being discriminated and stepped on in this the macho-fascist and patriarchal society.