(632) 8812-0919      fulbright@fulbright.org.ph

Dr. Nornie Micayabas

Nornie Micayabas Institution: Bukidnon State University( BukSU)

Host Institution: State University of New York(SUNY)

Award Name: Advanced Research& Uni. Lecturing

Discipline: Environmental Science

Award Year:2022-23

Nornie is the Chairperson of the Math & Science Department, and is also the coordinator of the Master’s program, “MAEd GenSciecnce & Math Ed.” She holds a doctorate degree in Instructionsl Systems Design (ISD), MAEd. & MS in Biology & BSE Majors in Math & Nat. Science. She also obstained a Diploa as a PASMEP Fellow from Deakin University, Australia in 1990, and has received accolades as Metrobank Outstanding Teacher in 1994 & became an ASEAN Cultural Exchange Fellow to Tokyo, Japan in 1995.

For Dr. Micayabas, the Fulbright grant opens a great opportunity to be of service to the global community to combat our climate change crisis. For Nornie, she claims that it is a “dream come true to exchange cultures, share expertise & experiences with people from the land of milk and honey.”