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Rex Meliston Sario

Rex SarioRex Meliston Sario, Master Teacher 1 of Balogo Elementary School in Bukidnon, a high rising star in the region Northern Mindanao. He believes that education has the power to change people's lives. And he considered himself to be a living example. His inclusive, relevant, empowering, progressive, sustainable, and collaborative love for excellent basic education drew widespread support from his local and international stakeholders. He was accomplished in transforming his classroom, school, and community into hubs of creativity and constructive transformation. His greatest story about Balogo Elementary School STEM teaching efforts at the elementary level was seeing his children completely engaged in the learning process, in the process of collaboration, and in the process of learning from one another. For him it makes a difference when he can assist his pupils in succeeding. However, assisting his fellow teachers in flourishing means aiding the success of his country.