(632) 8812-0919      fulbright@fulbright.org.ph

Riza Romero

Riza Romero Riza Romero

Home Institution: University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City

Host Institution: University of Delaware

Award Name: Fulbright Visiting Scholar

Discipline: Art Conservation

Award Year: 2023

Riza is an assistant professor and the chair of the Department of Studio Arts, University of the Philippines Diliman, College of Fine Arts. She is currently studying the potentiality of implementing art conservation degree programs in the Philippine context —recognizing its interdisciplinarity and the significance of maintaining ties with local communities, as well as regional and global relevance. As a Fulbright Scholar, she will spend four (4) months at the University of Delaware benchmarking research on their art conservation programs —delivery, specificity, facilities, and academic and administrative processes. The outcome of this research consolidates the data her study has collected, providing a well rounded study on art conservation education for, and facilitate in the development of art conservation degree programs in, the Philippines.