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Sanley Abila, PhD

Sanley Abila SANLEY S. ABILA, PhD

Home institution: University of the Philippines Visayas

Host Institution: University of California Santa Cruz

Award Name: Fulbright Senior Scholarship for Advanced Research

Discipline: Sociology, Sociology of Education

Award Year: 2022

Sanley is an Assistant Professor at the Division of Professional Education, University of the Philippines Visayas. He holds a PhD in Sociology from Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, UK. For his PhD research, he examined the occupational socialization of Filipino cadets into international merchant seafaring. For the past decade, Sanley has been doing research on merchant seafarers focusing on various topics such as education, piracy, gender, and mental health. As a Fulbright Visiting Scholar, he will work with Prof. Steven McKay on seafarers, including their mental health education. For the duration of his Fulbright Advanced Research award, he will be hosted by the Department of Sociology, University of California Santa Cruz from August to November 2022. A potential outcome of his research is the integration of mental health education into maritime education and training of Filipino seafarers.