(632) 8812-0919      fulbright@fulbright.org.ph

Vee Dayandayan

Vee Dayandayan Vee Dayandayan

Vee completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Development Communication at the University of the Philippines Los Baños in 2019. She currently works as a Development Management Officer at the Philippines’ Department of Agriculture, specifically managing programs and projects related to the country’s rice industry. Her work involves creating policies and operational plans for the delivery of assistance and services to rice farmers, and to other stakeholders in the value chain.

As a Fulbright scholar, she will be attending Clark University in Massachusetts to take on her master’s degree in International Development. She will particularly focus on developing sustainable policies for agriculture with participatory engagement from the stakeholders. With development communication as her core, she aims to put forward the national agenda in agriculture while balancing its socio-cultural impacts in rural communities.